
In the United States, there is no centralized higher education system that is valid across the country. Each state has its own governing body that determines educational policies.

This type of education system offers a wide variety of opportunities for international students while also making it challenging to understand the system from afar and choose among so many options.

Primary and secondary education in America lasts 12 years. With the high school diploma obtained at the end of this period, a student can apply to two-year higher education institutions (community colleges) or universities. Before elementary school, students attend kindergarten for 1-3 years. In America, children start elementary school at the age of six and continue to middle school afterward. Middle schools consist of either 3+3 or 2+4 year high schools. The 12-year education starting from the 1st grade and ending in the 12th grade is referred to as high school education.

How can I get language education in America?

Those seeking to obtain a visa to study at educational institutions in America are expected to take a certain number of credits. For academic subjects, such as university education, at least 15 credits per week are required. For language education, this is considered to be 18 hours of study per week. The US student visa is known as the F-1 visa and is the most common type of visa among those currently in effect. It is designed for full-time students at educational institutions in America. Language education in America can be obtained by meeting the F-1 visa requirements, providing the necessary documents, and selecting a school.

How can I get university education in America?

The student’s level of English proficiency is measured by the TOEFL test. Students who achieve a sufficient score are then assessed based on their academic standing. To be accepted into any university, a student must have a minimum GPA of 7.5 out of 10 or 3 out of 4. Reference letters are very important for evaluating the student’s attitude and behavior. Finally, if the student’s family is providing financial support, this must be declared, or if not, the student must be directed to apply for scholarships. Once sufficient resources are provided, it is possible to pursue university education in America.