

Our partner attorneys in the US offer services for all your legal needs, from sophisticated multi-partner company formations and legal commercial debt collections to the legal processes in real estate sales. Our attorneys handle tasks such as drafting business contracts, legal debt collection, and initiating and following lawsuits in the US.

Additionally, our consultants handle your company’s or personal transactions with various public institutions in America.

Our main legal services include:

  • Immigration Law
  • Commercial Litigation
  • Debt Collection
  • IT Dispute Resolution


What is the legal system like in America?

The purpose of law is the same everywhere: to provide equal justice. The functions of the judiciary in America can be summarized in two ways: courts ensure the enforcement of decisions made by the legislative and executive branches while also protecting individuals from arbitrary actions by these branches. The judiciary’s independence from the legislative and executive branches allows courts to follow a healthy path in shaping national laws. Courts can invalidate laws that conflict with the constitution and judges have the power to protect individuals under their jurisdiction. The great respect for judges in the country grants the judiciary an effectiveness that no other legal body can provide.

How are attorney fees determined?

In the US, there are two main characteristics in determining attorney fees. The first involves the fee being charged to the losing party, while the second is based on an agreement between the attorney and the client without legal restriction.

What do federal and state laws cover?

The federal government consists of three branches: legislative, executive, and judicial. The legislative branch comprises the Senate and the House of Representatives. The Senate consists of 100 senators, two from each state. A law must pass both houses before being signed by the president. The executive branch, headed by the president who serves a four-year term, is the largest branch of the federal government. Although the executive branch shares its powers equally with the other two branches, the president is the most authoritative figure in the government. The judiciary is responsible for handling cases where federal laws are contested, interpreted, or where individuals are charged with violating federal laws. Federal courts have the power to review state laws considered unconstitutional and have jurisdiction over cases involving multiple states, multiple state citizens, or foreign parties.

State governments mirror the federal government. Each state has an elected executive branch head (governor), an independent judiciary, and a legislative body elected by the people. State governments perform fundamental duties and responsibilities, providing many important services related to the daily lives of the people. These services include education, transportation, business licensing, and general order, which encompasses security issues.