Market Research

For companies, market research is a study that must be completed before entering relevant markets to measure a product’s suitability for the market. It guides your companies on how to use resources efficiently and accurately.

Important Considerations

Market entry should be done based on a ‘proof-of-concept’ product group. While one product may be successful in a sector, a similar product may fail.

For example, in the pp and pe carpet category, where Turkiye is strongest, offering alternative varieties to the customer at the initial market entry would be a big mistake. The American market is very conservative in many categories.

All the above information for the American market can be analyzed before entering the market.

Ensure that you are represented in America as if you were an American company. Whether you sell online products, wholesale products, or industrial products, customer service is very important in all these processes. Providing service to customers from a US-based center offers a significant competitive advantage.

Different cost items such as sales-marketing, logistics, and returns should be analyzed for market entry costs.

You do not have to follow the same product sector or path as other Turkish firms in the American market.

Areas & Sectors with the Greatest Market and Competitive Opportunity in the US

Product and company competence are more important than the sector.

For example, while Turkiye has a significant competitive advantage in some auto spare parts, unfortunately, there is no chance in other parts.

In terms of competence, any Turkish company selling online in the ready-to-wear sector in Turkiye has the opportunity to sell in the US.

If logistics capability is strong, many furniture products have an advantage in America.

In the industrial product category, companies can be competitive if they have sales marketing systems and service competencies in the US.

Sectors with Relative Market & Competitive Opportunity in the US

  • Mining, Marble
    • Note: While there is significant competition in the raw standard marble area, value-added companies can make a big difference.
  • Glass Products
  • Construction Products
  • Herbal Products
  • Cocoa Products
  • Yarn Industry
    • Note: Products used by women for knitting as a hobby have significant market potential in this field. Turkiye is currently one of the largest exporters in this category.
  • Home Textiles
  • Outer/Inner Wear Industry
  • Sock Industry
  • Office Furniture
  • Home Furniture
  • Cleaning and Cosmetic Products
  • Pharmaceuticals and Medical Supplies
  • Plastic Construction Materials
  • Precious Metals and Jewelry
  • General Purpose Machinery and Equipment Industry
  • Special Purpose Machinery
  • Metal Household and Office Supplies
  • Automotive Sub-Industry

Other Sectors with Market and Competitive Opportunity in America

  • Ground Cereals
  • Knitted Fabrics
  • Woven Fabrics
  • Footwear and Sub-Industry
  • Paints, Varnishes, and Chemical Industry
  • Plastic Raw Materials and Plastic Injection
  • Iron and Steel
  • Aluminum Products
  • Metal Structures
  • Wire and Wire Products
  • Metal Tools and Hardware
  • HVAC