Trademark Registration

As the American Turkish Investment Council, we handle processes such as trademark, copyright, and patent registration for companies in cooperation with our partner institutions in the US. We specifically secure FDA approvals, which are critical for companies exporting products such as medical and food items, through our partners in this field.

Our consultants provide legal services in copyright, trademarks, domain names, patents, industrial designs, trade secrets, and confidentiality issues. Regarding intellectual property agreements, they have experience in asset transfers at the establishment, inventorship and confidentiality agreements for employees and contract parties, as well as mutual and unilateral confidentiality agreements. We conduct electronic trademark and patent registrations with the United States Patent and Trademark Office (USPTO) through our registered intellectual property attorneys in the US.

Some of the services we provide consultancy for:

  • Trademark Registration
  • Obtaining Intellectual Property Rights
  • Obtaining FDA Certification, etc.