Amerikan Türk Ticaret & Yatırım Konseyi American Turkish Trade & Investment Council

Şeffaflık Genelgesi

ARTICLE 1: Introduction This Transparency Directive is prepared to emphasize the importance of transparency and accountability as the American Turkish Trade & Investment Council (ATIC) operates as a civil society organization engaged in mutual trade and investment activities within the context of Turkish-American bilateral relations. This directive aims to ensure open communication and information flow among the NGO’s management bodies, members, stakeholders, and the public, and to conduct its activities transparently, ethically, and legally.

ARTICLE 2: Name and Headquarters 2.1. Name of the Association: American Turkish Trade & Investment Council (ATIC)

2.2. Abbreviation of the Association: ATIC (American Turkish Trade & Investment Council)

2.3. Headquarters: Istanbul

ARTICLE 3: Purpose and Scope of Activities

3.1. Purpose: The association aims to contribute to the development of commercial and investment activities between Turkiye and the USA.

3.2. Principles: The association operates based on the following principles:

  1. a) To provide opinions and practical assistance to Turkish and American business communities on trade, economy, credit-finance, industry, legislation, and similar topics.
  2. b) To protect the interests of Turkish and American companies in mutual investment and business environments and to facilitate communication.
  3. c) To assist in establishing and maintaining relationships between Turkish and American business communities and government representatives.
  4. d) To support friendship, cooperation, and cultural projects between Turkish and American business communities and societies.
  5. e) To develop relations between Turkish and American business communities through information exchange and cooperation.
  6. f) To inform members through forums, meetings, seminars, and publications.
  7. g) To engage in other activities aimed at the association’s purpose.

ARTICLE 4: Activities and Accountability

4.1. The association can engage in qualified interactions, open representative offices, and appoint representatives or observers to international organizations as needed to achieve its objectives.

4.2. The association can establish business councils, organize trips, conduct scientific studies and training-internship programs, publish materials, and conduct research to achieve its objectives.

4.3. The association will manage its financial transactions transparently, make financial reports accessible to members, and subject its accounts to independent audits in accordance with relevant laws.

4.4. The association will consider the opinions and suggestions of its members in line with the principle of accountability.

4.5. The decision-making process will involve the participation of those benefiting from the services, and importance will be given to exchanging views during the decision-making processes.

4.6. The association will ensure that its regulatory processes, such as regulations, directives, announcements, and circulars, are accessible in line with the principles of transparency, clarity, and predictability.

4.7. All expenditures, investments, and budgeting items will be implemented considering ethical principles, the Commercial Code, the Tax Procedure Law, and relevant legislation.

4.8. Membership admission criteria will be determined by the Board of Directors and evaluated by the business council before being presented to the Board of Directors.

4.9. The association will be audited by the audit committee every six months and by independent audit companies annually, sharing the results with the Board of Directors and members.

4.10. To ensure transparency and accountability, the association will provide members with regular and reliable information flow, not only through reports prepared from a legal perspective but also by preparing and making available reports, bulletins, and emails on commercial, economic, export, and investment topics.

ARTICLE 5: Core Principles

  • Openness and Communication: ATIC will establish effective communication mechanisms to share its activities and decisions with stakeholders and the public.
  • Public Information: ATIC will regularly report its activities and use its website and other communication tools to facilitate public access to relevant information.
  • Financial Transparency: ATIC will maintain financial transparency by regularly publishing its income and expenditures and subjecting them to audit processes.
  • Conflict of Interest Management: ATIC will develop policies and procedures to prevent or manage potential conflicts of interest among members of the management bodies and employees.
  • Stakeholder Engagement: ATIC will inform and consider the opinions of all affected stakeholders in its activities.


ARTICLE 6: Compliance with Turkish, European Union, and American Laws

6.1. The association commits to conducting its activities in accordance with Turkish, European Union, and American laws. It will continue its activities in compliance with relevant legal regulations when necessary.

6.2. Article 1 of the Law on the Right to Information No. 4982 stipulates that the law’s purpose is to regulate the principles and procedures for individuals to exercise their right to information in accordance with the principles of equality, impartiality, and openness, which are the requirements of democratic and transparent administration, emphasizing that the right to information is a requirement of transparent administration.

ATIC will act in accordance with Article 10, “Principle of Openness,” of the “Good Administration Act” attached to Recommendation CM/REC(2007)7 of the Committee of Ministers of the Council of Europe to member states on good administration.

ARTICLE 7: Transparency and Public Access

7.1. Transparency in All Processes: Every stage of the association’s activities will be transparent and open to examination by members and official institutions. Decision-making processes, events, and projects will be conducted in an open and comprehensible manner with participation from both sides.

7.2. Public Access and Information Availability: Public access to all documents, drafts, decisions, and opinions related to the participation process will be provided within an appropriate time frame. Access to information will be guaranteed as an indispensable part of a democratic society.

7.3. Rights of Civil Participants: Civil society representatives will have the freedom to express their goals, opinions, and acquired rights. This right is essential for participants to actively engage in processes and influence outcomes.

ARTICLE 8: Implementation and Supervision

  • Compliance with the Directive: Members, management bodies, and employees of the NGO will fully comply with this directive and adopt the principles of transparency.
  • Reporting and Publication: The NGO will regularly publish and make its activity reports and financial status accessible to the public.
  • External Audit: The NGO will be subject to an annual financial audit by an independent audit firm.
  • Employee and Member Training: The NGO will organize regular training programs on transparency, ethics, and accountability for its employees and members.


ARTICLE 9: Final Provisions This Transparency Directive states that the American Turkish Trade & Investment Council (ATIC) is committed to conducting its activities transparently, ethically, legally, and professionally. The association’s management may update this directive when necessary and inform the members.

ARTICLE 10: Amendments and Updates This directive may be updated and amended as needed. Any changes will be announced to the public through the NGO’s website, and the relevant documents will be updated.

ARTICLE 11: Communication For any feedback, questions, or suggestions, you can contact us at

ARTICLE 12: Enforcement This Transparency Directive enters into force as of the date of approval.

This directive has been accepted and approved by the American Turkish Trade & Investment Council (ATIC). The execution and administration of the directive are under the authority and responsibility of the Board of Directors.

Transparency Directive